Donovan Simmons | Songs
Donovan Simmons - Songs

If you'd like to use these songs in your church, please report all photocopying and usage to CCLI.

Feel free to share your suggestions and requests for any other songs or piano versions.

Please feel free to donate through paypal if you feel so moved!

Lyrics Score Audio demo
lead other sample full song
All Of Me lead
Depth Of Mercy
Encourage Each Other lead
God He Sent His Son
(I'm A) God Fan lead
How Beautiful Are The Feet lead
I Live For You lead
Jesus You Are The Only Way lead
Praise The Lord
Refresh Our Hearts lead
Saved By Grace - NEW SONG! chords DrumsPro DrumsMedium DrumsSimple LeadGuitar
Take My Life
The Lord's Prayer lead
There'll Be No Pain lead
We Will Be A Witness lead drums
You Are Faithful lead
* the words have been updated since recording the audio demo. for the most current words please see the score.


Please feel free to donate through paypal if you feel so moved!

Lyrics Score (Lead) Audio demo
sample full song
1 Peter 3:18
Galatians 5:23&23 lead
Philippians 4:6&7
* the words have been updated since recording the audio demo. for the most current words please see the score.

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